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|Learning Concepts=Demand Forecasting
|Learning Concepts=Forecasting, Economic Forecasts, Technological Forecasts, Demand Forecasts, Quantitative Forecasts, Qualitative Forecasts, Jury of Executive Opinion, Delphi Method, Sales Force Composite, Consumer Market Survey, Time Series, Naive Approach, Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, Smoothing Constant, Mean Absolute Deviation, Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Percent Error, Trend Projection, Seasonal Variations, Cyclical Data Variation, Cycles, Linear-Regression Analysis, Standard Error of the Estimate, Coefficient of Correlation, Coefficient of Determination, Multiple Regression Analysis, Controlling Forecasts, Tracking Signal, Bias, Adaptive Smoothing, Focus Forecasting

Revision as of 13:40, 23 October 2013